At Equinox, we’ve crafted an exclusive Rewards Program to enhance your shopping experience and show our appreciation for your loyalty. Tailored for frequent shoppers, our program offers enticing benefits with every purchase.
As a member, you’ll earn points with every purchase, in-store or online, unlocking discounts, exclusive merchandise, and VIP perks. Join today to start earning rewards and enjoy a personalized shopping journey just for you.
Earn points with each purchase and redeem them for discounts on future cannabis products.
Gain access to unique merchandise available only to rewards program members.
Receive invitations to exclusive VIP events such as product launches and educational seminars.
Be among the first to try new cannabis strains and products.
Get tailored product recommendations based on your preferences.
Enjoy exclusive deals and offers available only to rewards program members.
120 Main Street
Burlington, VT 05401
Mon-Fri: 9AM – 9PM
Sat-Sun: 11AM – 9PM